Snow Removal

Snow Removal Priorities

The Operational Services Department is responsible for maintaining 140 km of roadways and 29 km of walkways and trails.  The Municipality of Crowsnest Pass's Operational Services Department clears snow from public roadways according to a 5 level priority system:

Level A major transportation routes (arterial) within the municipality, emergency vehicle access, commercial core business areas, and roadways with major slopes.
Level B distribution routes (collector) as well as school zones and industrial areas.
Level C includes the remainder of roadways specifically in residential areas not included under Levels A & B as well as direct access alleys.
Level D includes laneways, municipal owned parking areas, and recreational roadways.

Level E

includes recreational accesses and the removal of snow in commercial areas to facilitate parking and remaining snow ridges across residential driveways.

Municipal employees make every possible effort to work expediently to clear the roads after snow accumulation with the manpower and equipment that they have at their disposal.  If you have questions or concerns about snow removal, please contact the Operational Services Department at 403-563-2220 so that we may log your comments and address your concerns, as opposed to directing them to our Operational Services employees when they are out in the community on their personal time.        

For more information on these priorities with maps please see:

2300-02 - Snow Clearing and Ice Control Policy

Snow Plow Reminder

Residents are reminded to stay at least 15 metres (four car lengths) behind the municipal snowplows when they are operating.  This will provide a safe stopping distance for residents and the snow plow operators.   Please be aware that road and snow conditions may cause heavy equipment to slip backwards on roadways so extra caution is required. 

If you notice damage to your boulevard due to snow removal equipment, please contact the Operational Services Department at 403-563-2220 to have your address added to a list of properties to be repaired in the spring.

Snow Clearing- Sidewalks

The Municipality of Crowsnest Pass Traffic Bylaw requires residents to remove snow and ice from sidewalks adjoining their property within 48 hours of deposit.  Residents are asked to not shovel snow onto municipal roadways.

As per Bylaw 704, 2006- Section 12 (6): All persons owning or occupying premises in areas of the Municipality designated Commercial under the Municipal Land Use Bylaw shall remove and clear away all snow, ice, dirt and other obstructions from the sidewalk situated on land adjoining the property owned or occupied by them within forty eight (48) hours of the time that such snow, ice, dirt or other obstruction was deposited thereon. Violators will be ticketed.