Aquatic Invasives

Aquatic Invasives and Pests
As the weather begins to warm up and the snow begins to melt, it is easy to get excited about summer. One important thing to remember this year is to clean your watercraft and fishing waders! This will help stop the spread of invasive seeds but also invasive aquatics. The Crownsest Pass is at the top of the Oldman Watershed; the Crowsnest River joins the Oldman River, Saskatchewan River before making its way out to Hudson’s Bay. The control efforts we put in here will affect everyone downstream of us. It is important to clean and inspect all watercraft including kayaks, paddleboards, trailers, and gear. Ensure all mud and plants have been cleaned off equipment by scrubbing, rinsing or pressure washing and ensure you are away from storm drains, ditches, and waterways. It is best practice to dry your gear out before using it in another waterbody.
In Alberta, moss balls have been sold in pet and gardens store but unfortunately been found to have zebra mussels in them. If you have purchased a moss ball since January 1, 2021, please dispose of it following provincial guidelines.
Flowering Rush