Community Groups, Clubs and Organizations
Alberta Healthy Living Program: Central Booking Office - Crowsnest Pass Health Centre 403-388-6654
Badminton - Adult: (403) 564-5126 - Marianne Kutcher - Wednesdays at Isabelle Sellon School
Bellecrest Community Association - Bellecrest Days & Bellevue Community Campground
Bellevue Senior Citizens Club - 2413 213 Street, Bellevue 403-564-4933. Meetings are on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 1:30pm. Whist is every 2nd Wednesday at 1:30pm. Teas, suppers, pancake breakfast, meetings, whist, parties, etc.
Canadian Cancer Society - 1-800-661-2262
Citizens on Patrol - Another pair of ears and eyes for the R.C.M.P. Patrol in the Crowsnest Pass evenings and walk-a-bouts at different functions.
CNP Allied Arts Association - 403-562-2218. Contact Krisztina Wood -
CNP Indoor Playground - 403-562-2360 – Located in the MDM Community Centre. Mondays – Thursdays 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.
CNP Slo-Pitch League - Contact Trent -
CNP Women's Resource Centre - 403-562-8000 #208, 12501 - 20th Avenue (Provincial Building) Blairmore. Hours are Monday to Friday from 10:00am to 4:00pm. The Women’s Resource Centre provides a safe and friendly environment with a child’s play area. Programs include legal referral and information, family violence, second hand clothing, rag bags, baby layettes, Christmas toy hampers.
Co-Ed Volleyball 25+ - Tuesdays at ISS Gym 7 – 9 pm Call Don 562-8693
Coleman Community Society - 403-563-5408 - Jane Ann Reimer. Membership in the society is open to anyone who wishes to see the Coleman area and the whole Crowsnest Pass flourish! Society has both business and non-business members. Membership fee applies - monthly meetings and special events planning.
Coleman Seniors Drop-In Centre Association - 7801-18 Avenue Coleman. Clinics, food, transportation. Min age 55, Annual membership $10. Contact Wendy at 403-563-3665 or
Community Fitness Connection - 403-563-0773. The Weightlifting Club has all the equipment necessary for weight training and cardio fitness. Members range in age from 14 to 65 and over. Membership Packages available online at
Crowsnest Agricultural Society - Incorporated under the Agricultural Societies Act of Alberta and supports and encourages continued growth and development in the Crowsnest Pass through the enhancement of agriculture, recreation and culture. Contact Joanne 403-563-5100
Crowsnest CanDo Society - This group is working towards providing a Cultural and Recreational Complex for the Crowsnest Pass.
Crowsnest Community Choir - 403-753-0312 Debbie Goldstein
Crowsnest Community Library - 403-562-2340
Crowsnest Community Orchestra - 403-563-2003
Crowsnest Community Support Society - The Crowsnest Community Support Society is a Not-for-Profit organization promoting Quality of Life Outcomes for Adults with Unique Abilities.
Crowsnest Conservation Society -
Crowsnest Curling Club -
Crowsnest Historical Society - Information on the Historical Society can be found at or by phoning the Museum at 403-563-5434.
Crowsnest Mountain Gun Club - Memberships contact 403-563-8409 or 403-628-3536
Crowsnest Nordic Ski Club -
Crowsnest Pass Minor Hockey - 403-563-7797
Crowsnest Pass Minor Lacrosse -
Crowsnest Pass Minor Soccer - 403-563-8852 or - Katherine Mertz
Crowsnest Pride Society FB: Crowsnest Pride Society
Crowsnest Quad Squad: 403-562-8686 or Office is open 9:00am - 5:00pm (closed during lunch). Year-round operating season.
Crowsnest Pass Symphony Orchestra: 403-753-0312 Debbie Goldstein Crowsnest Pass Symphony is an amateur group that provides an opportunity for young and old to take part in making music. Regular practice night and two concerts per year.
Crow Snow Riders Snowmobile Association - Meetings are held at the Coleman Legion 1st Friday of every month at 7:30pm. The Snowmobile association works on safety & Trail maintenance, poker runs, dances, grooming trails, have fun & play safe. Contact Kelsey 403-563-8545
Ducks Unlimited - Ducks Unlimited Crowsnest organizes an annual fundraising event with proceeds going towards wetland conservation. Contact Marc 403-563-8787
Hillcrest Fish and Game Protective Association - Monthly meetings are held on the 1st Wednesday of every month from October to June 2013 from 7:00-9:00pm at the Hillcrest Fish and Game Hall. The next meeting is December 5, 2013 7-9 pm. Please contact Colton Newton, Vice President for more information at 403-582-1993.
Hillcrest Mines Community Society - 403-564-5245 - Cindy Newman
Historical Society - Crowsnest Pass
Holy Trinity Catholic Women's League - 403-562-2103. The church is located at 13126 - 21st Avenue in Blairmore. September to June (Meetings with Socials in Dec & Jun), Meet 4th Friday of month at 1:30pm in rectory meeting room. Membership for women age 16 years and older, catholic and non-catholic welcome. Annual dues are $20.
Geocaching - Interested in learning about Geocaching or local Geocachers wanting to form a local club? Geocaching is the fun activity of find “treasures” hidden by other people found with a handheld GPS and coordinates.
Kananaskis Pro Rodeo Association - Contact Joe 403-563-5100
Kidsport - Call Kean Mitchell 403-563-6884
Knights of Columbus (Council #5312) - 403-562-2103
Kootenay Taekwondo - 403-563-9471 - Gena Paton.
Lions Club - Blairmore - Local volunteers raise money for youth and seniors events, sports and culture groups; Provides hall for community and looks after the park in downtown Blairmore and the walking path along the river. The Lions Club - Blairmore fundraises weekly with TV Bingo from September to May. Contact Daryl 403-562-8207
Lions Club - Coleman - The Lions Club Coleman is affiliated with the CNP Handicapped Society and Sight Support and looks after the Miner’s Path and Flumerfelt Park. Contact Kevin 403-563-5451
Literacy Program Adult - Crowsnest Pass - 403-563-8516
Masonic Sentinel Lodge - 403-563-3573 Jeff Schlender
Old Crows Recreation Hockey - Free ice on Mondays and Wednesdays from 12:45pm - 1:45pm and 18+ Fridays for $10. Goalies in net are free. Two tournaments per year for 35+ and one game per month against opposing teams. This is a great social for new and old citizens of the Pass.
Order of the Royal Purple #159 - 403-562-8886 Frances Kuryluk, Honored Royal Lady
Pass Piranhas Swim Club - 403-563-9162 Pass Piranhas Swim Club is a competitive swim club that puts the emphasis on having FUN, getting in shape and having friendly competitions against other swim clubs. Daily training times! Membership fees apply.
Passtrak Track & Field - Training athletes in various track and field disciplines to help them achieve their highest possible level of performance. Membership fees apply. Contact Ritch
Pistol Club - Crowsnest Pass - Club provides both social and recreational opportunities to members and guests. Anyone interested in seeing what the sport is about is welcome to visit the club on Mondays and Fridays from 7:00 - 9:00 pm. Annual dues apply. Contact Malcolm 403-562-2984.
Riding Club - Turtle Mountain Riding Club - Contact Latisha 403-563-5775
Rocky Summit Lodge #30 - 403-563-3130 Bob Liddell
Royal Canadian Legion - Bellevue, Branch#19 & Ladies Auxiliary - 403-564-8728
Royal Canadian Legion - Coleman, Branch#9 & Ladies Auxiliary - 403-563-3964
S.T.A.R.S. CNP Health Care Centre - 403-562-5011
Sentinel Lodge #26 - 403-564-4373 Ken Pagnucco
Shrine Unit Crowsnest Pass - 403-563-3573 Jeff Schlender
Skating Club - Crowsnest Pass - Contact Tammy
Sole Survivor Foot Race - Contact Sasha 403-564-5274
Take Off Pounds Sensibly Chapter #3421 Crowsnest Pass - Wednesdays 6 pm Bellecrest Seniors’ Centre. Call Margaret 403-564-4485 or Rita 403-562-2547.
Turtle Mountain Minor Ball - Contact Ken 403-562-8920 or 403-582-0233
United Riders of Crowsnest (UROC) - Mountain biking in the Crowsnest Pass.